PSA Testing Without Overtreating
Since 2008, healthcare providers have been instructed not to routinely use PSA testing on all men due to unnecessary biopsies and overtreatment of men with non-aggressive prostate cancer or benign conditions.
During that time:
- metastatic prostate cancer diagnoses have increased 5% annually
- prostate cancer deaths among American men have increased
- studies show a direct correlation between decreased use of PSA testing and increased late-stage diagnoses
Given this data — along with the development of molecular testing — we believe it is time for PCPs to reinstitute routine PSA screenings for men over age 50 at average risk and earlier screening for those with associated risk factors, including a family history of prostate cancer, ethnicity and genetic changes.
Effective Use of PSA Testing for Early Detection of PC
When to Start PSA Screening
In 2008, the US Preventive Services Task Force found that nearly 50% of men referred for biopsies had elevated PSA levels due to non-cancerous conditions or slow-growing prostate cancer, leading to its recommendation against routine PSA screenings. Since that time, prostate cancer biomarker tests have been developed that provide additional information on which patients should be referred for biopsy, reducing unnecessary biopsies by 40% or more.
We recommend use of these updated clinical guidelines to improve rates of early-stage prostate cancer diagnoses:

Average Risk
AGE 50

Family History
AGE 45

Black Male
AGE 40

Hereditary Mutation
AGE 45
Follow-Up for Abnormal PSA Results
We recommend using 1.5 ng/mL as the PSA cut-off. Over 70% of men will have PSA levels <1.5 ng/mL. If these patients have no other risk factors, this PSA results requires no further testing, PSA testing should be repeated in five years.
For PSA levels above 1.5 ng/mL, we recommend the following steps prior to biopsy:
- Digital rectal exam: PSA levels are correlated with prostate size, so checking for BPH will appropriately limit your pool of biopsy candidates
- Family history of prostate, breast, ovarian and/or colorectal cancer: Refer for genetic testing to check for known prostate cancer hereditary mutations
- Prostate cancer biomarker testing: If negative, repeat PSA in 1 year. If positive, refer to urologist
Post-PSA Biomarker Tests

Select MDx – Providers
Select mdx helps healthcare providers determine if a patient with an abnormal PSA is at higher or lower risk for prostate cancer and which patients can safely avoid biopsy.

4Kscore – Providers
The 4Kscore is a FDA approved test that offers the sensitivity and specificity needed to detect aggressive prostate cancer probability.

phi test – Providers
The Prostate Health Index (phi) test is an FDA-approved blood test that can help distinguish prostate cancer from benign prostatic conditions.

ExoDx – Providers
The ExoDx Prostate Test is a simple, non-DRE, urine-based, liquid biopsy test indicated for men 50 years of age and older.

ProstateNext – Providers
ProstateNext utilizes a blood or saliva to test for mutations in 14 genes that have been associated with hereditary prostate cancer.
FAQs for Providers About Post-PSA Biomarker Testing
The rate of advanced stage prostate cancer diagnoses has increased 5% annually since 2008 when routine PSA testing was stopped. Today we have more tools to detect PC in localized stages with 100% 5-year survival vs. 34% 5-year survival in advanced stage while reducing the risk of overtreatment.
Post-PSA biomarker tests provide an additional layer of data to inform the decision on whether to refer a patient with an abnormal PSA level for a urology consult and potential biopsy. Biomarkers should be used in conjunction with PSA results, health history, risk factors and medical exam (including DRE) to aid in early detection and intervention for improved patient outcomes.
Various health organizations recommend differing PSA cut-offs, leading to much of the confusion around PSA testing. Based on a study* reviewing the Henry Ford database for 22,000 men, including 30% African Americans, we found that men with a PSA below 1.5% had a .51% of developing a significant prostate cancer within 5 years. Based on this study, we recommend 1.5 ng/mL as the standard cut-off. 73% of patients will fall below that level, requiring no conversation and a re-check in 5 years. For the 17% above 1.5, we recommend an evaluation of DRE, biomarker testing and other risk factors to determine which patients should be referred for biopsy.
*Crawford ED et al. BJU Int 2011: 108(11): 1743-1747
Prior to ordering a PSA test, providers should discuss the patient’s prostate cancer risk factors — including average risk — as the basis for ordering the test. It’s important for providers to understand and note to their patients that 70% of men will require no further testing and that a higher-than-average PSA score does not result in an automatic referral for a biopsy. Like other standard screenings, such as lipid testing or blood pressure testing, PSA testing is an excellent first-line screening, but it should not be used in isolation to determine biopsy referrals.
Post-PSA biomarker testing is currently covered by Medicare and most major insurance plans. However, patients should always be reminded to check their insurance policies to verify coverage. Consult the table of PCMs provided on this page for general guidelines on insurance coverage or contact the test manufacturers, listed on the test ordering page, for additional details.
Provider Resources (Printable)
Below are resources providers can use in their practice to help guide prostate cancer screening decisions. We also have provided a patient flyer that will help you communicate important reasons for prostate cancer screening.

Phases of Prostate Cancer
Learn which prostate cancer biomarkers to use at various stages from screening to advanced cancer.

PCM Test Chart
The chart breaks down all PCM tests to display who they are targeted for and what results and decisions they provide.

Prostate Cancer Algorithm
This algorithm helps providers understand the next steps from initial screening through treatment.

Patient's "Know Your Risk" Checklist
This flyer is meant for patients to print and use as a tool to assess their own risk, before visiting and talking through with their provider.
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